Primal urges Animal urges My appetite urges Like a good fight urges
Primal urges Sexual urges Those killer urges Oh I forgot what the word is
Why the fuck are you looking at me Pound for pound it could be easy But you've got me wrong, you've got me wrong I've got my primal urges
Primal urges Intimate urges Are unappeasable urges But it's never been worth it
A forehead mounted register glows Straight through the emperors new clothes But I play along, I play along I got my primal urges Primal urges Animal urges My appetite urges Like a good fight urges
Primal urges Sexual urges That killer urges Oh I forgot what the word is
Why the fuck are you looking at me Pound for pound it could be easy But you've got me wrong, you've got me wrong I've got my primal urges