2012, Town & Country Debut album by The Vagaband Release: Sept 2012 On the band’s own label Eggsong Recordings
• José McGill: Vocals & Guitar • Greg Cook: Piano • Patrick Arbuthnot: Pedal Steel Guitar • Joe 'The Bow' Wright: Fiddle & Mandolin • Tristan Roche: Bass • Dan Reynolds: Drums • Ali Houiellebecq: Saxes, Clarinet, Flute & Whistle • Hugh Stanners: Flugelhorn, Trumpet & Squeezebox Norfolk, UK
Take the chords of 'Codine', add the lyrics of 'Sixteen Tons', sprinkle with a rundown not too dissimilar to a certain Kinks song ~ play it like a celtic Led Zeppelin with embellishments of country music and nods to medieval & Indian music, get it mastered at 'Philosopher's Barn' and you've got a track that's perfect to get SERIOUSLY stoned to...