GOD (MAX) "Don't eat that apple, child, It's bad, forbidden fruit.
OSCAR & PHIL Bad, forbidden fruit.
GOD (MAX) That's right.
EVE (QUEENIE) God has said:
GOD (MAX) "Don't break my laws Or give me cause To use my boot."
OSCAR & PHIL Don't go that route.
GOD (MAX) That's what I said.
EVE (QUEENIE) I misunderstood him Or maybe I forgot Cause after just one bite: Ooh! What a night. Cool Paradise turned hot!
We were having a wild, wild party We were loving it loud and fast We were having a wild, wild party And hoping the beer would last. Adam, help me now!
ADAM & EVE (BURRS & QUEENIE) We were driving it fast and funky We were dancing and running free We were having a wild, wild party
EVE (QUEENIE) And all because of that tree!
THE TREE (EDDIE) A wild, wild, wild party.
OSCAR Chapter next!
PHIL Sodom and Gomorrah That seedy, greedy den Got said to Abraham:
GOD (MAX) "Go find me righteous men!"
OSCAR Abie went To find one gent
PHIL And you could guess Those folks were less than glad he was sent.
OSCAR For when the Boss came down
PHIL & OSCAR They were burning up the town.
PHIL & OSCAR SODOMITES They were having a wild, wild party Indeed! They were loving it loud and fast Such speed! They were having a wild, wild party And hoping the beer would last.
OSCAR Hey, what's on tap?
PHIL & OSCAR SODOMITES They were driving it fast and funky Wa ooh! They were doin' it to a full So true! They were having a wild, wild party
GOD (MAX) Until that woman turned to salt!
QUEENIE, OSCAR & PHIL Heaven watched us tearing up the joint Heaven, ever slowly, got the point
QUEENIE Moses, coming down from the mount What's that I hear you say?
PHIL Holy, Moses, down from the mount Been workin' a-forty day.
QUEENIE, OSCAR & PHIL Your people wandered from the Word Now how did this begin?
MOSES (BURRS) I was so in shock They made me drop my rock
ISRAELITES Well, Moe - what was their sin?
MOSES ISRAELITES They were having a wild, wild party Baruch haba - They were dancing and living free Baruch atah - They were having a wild, wild party
MOSES (Burrs) And not a soul invited me.
QUEENIE, OSCAR & PHIL So don't you see That's the way it was meant to be
BURRS From chapter one
QUEENIE To one hundred thirty-three.
QUEENIE, BURRS, OSCAR & PHIL If in Heaven you don't excel You can always party down in Hell!
OSCAR & PHIL Then finally -
ALL We'll be having a wild, wild party We'll be loving it loud and fast We'll be having a wild, wild party And hoping the beer would last.
We'll be having a wild, wild party We'll be loving it loud and fast We'll be having a wild, wild party And hoping the beer would last.
We'll be driving it fast and funky We'll be dancing in primordial stew Such a wonderful wild, wild party And we're inviting you!
QUEENIE, BURRS, OSCAR & PHIL And we're inviting you!