Intent, fluent with its kiss As gentle as an ebbing stream Cresscending to pollinate the throne of three loves Darkest as thee graces who sought my heart To the yearning Lethe…
Evanescent lines expelled like thought to page Fading as the distant sunset, A vista of such deep longing Smitten in smears of scarlet, Scars of time, opened graves remain Wherein twin talons rake the soul Swollen to its core, blessed Nepenthe…
I once found her once as Flesh relinquished Veins split, Torn, A metaphorical suicide,
Then I pleaded my essence for her: “Make me thine misled voyeur Lurking in deadly nightshade, The unbridled passion awaiting eclipse Soon as our time draws near…, Thy lips persuade with a drearing tongue A vast dream, wherein fate Like cerements far flung, forever clung ‘Gainst thy drawling breast”
And with a breath of lavender I fell to kissing stars in the skies At the hilt of a vibrant dark.
"The tongue licks the cracks, Monoliths of ebbing fervor, And spews forth creation o'er decorum and vanity, The face that imprisons all."
And with a breath of lavender I fell to kissing stars in the skies