Watch out look here take care looks everywhere and all around you Do this and that sign here and that is what's all about disgrace yourself don't mope because what is this if not your fusion look up speak out no doubt you're waiting for some AND NOW JOKES ON YOU AND NOW JOKES ON YOU You're up come down give up you've had enough your mind is reeling pay up but I'll lose count in which ways are so misleading AND NOW JOKES ON YOU AND NOW JOKES ON YOU You You've had enough You've had enough AND NOW JOKES ON YOU You've had enough You've had enough You JOKES ON YOU Turn to move but your hands are tied You slowly fade just away from me this happiness to think about the signs your ancient beauty And now jokes on you and now jokes on you and now jokes on you and now jokes on you you jokes on you you jokes on you ah you've had enough you've had enough you've had enough you've had enough jokes on you you you've had enough you've had enough Read more at