Oh your two eyes will slay me suddenly I may the beauty of them not sustain so pierced is throughout my heart keen unless your words will heal me hastily my heart's wound while that it is green oh your two eyes will slay me suddenly upon my troth I tell you faithfully that you are of my Life and Death the Queen and with my Death the Truth be seen oh your two eyes will slay me suddenly I may the beauty of them not sustain so pierced is throughout my heart keen so hath your beauty from my heart chased Pity that it avails not to complain for Pride doth hold your Mercy in its chain guiltless my death hath ye purchased I say you sooth there is no need to feign so hath your beauty from my heart chased alas that Nature hath in your embrace beauty so great that no man may attain to Mercy though he starve for pain (Geoffrey Chaucer , Merciless Beauty, 14th century)