Yeah What up? Smoke da krack Fresh Dick Get high in da hough-house
My mom makes me tape my nips 'Cause my nips get bloody when the skin rips 'Cause I wear a tight shirt that chafes my nips Nobody likes bloody nips
Why don't you wear a bigger shirt Or an undershirt Or any kind of shirt That doesn't touch your nips? Maybe just get a shirt with holes in it and let's stop talking about it I don't know anyone else with that problem Why don't you talk to your guidance counselor before singing a song about it?
Tape my nips My bloody nips My mom tapes my bloody nips Bla-blah Blop Blop Blop Blop Blop Bloody nips Nobody wants my bloody nips With a scratchy shirt and my nipples in the zone Please just leave my nips alone
You know, a boy your age shouldn't really have sensitive nipples like that, it's really a girl's problem. I think I wanna quit this band. This is a song about a women's problem, and it's disgusting.