I’ve been having quite a problem recently Which is quite disturbing musicalically Involving a semitonal discrepancy Vocally and instrumentally
You see musicians of different varieties Prefer playing in particular keys And singers, too, treat preferentially Those notes they tackle more proficiently
Now you don’t have to be a member of MENSA To understand the depths of my dilemma The two elements of me favour two different keys Thus a rift betwixt my fingers and my tenor
I love nothing more than playing instruments in F It warms the very cockles of my heart. The trouble is that F can leave me vocally bereft you see I like playing in F major… but I like singing in F sharp F sharp
I refuse to be beholden to my hands I don’t see why my larynx should give in to their demands I will not be forced to compromise my art And so I just keep playing in F major and singing in F# F sharp F sharp F sharp
F sharp I’ll just keep playing in F major and I’ll keep singing in F sharp