Episode 36. - Mayella Violet Ewell. Put your hand on the Bible, please. Solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God? Sit down, please. - Now, Mayella, suppose you tell us just what happened, huh? - Well, sir... Sir, I was sitting on the porch and he come along. There was this old chifforobe in the yard and I said, "You come in here, boy, and bust up this chifforobe and I'll give you a nickel." So, he come on in the yard and I go in the house to get him the nickel. And I turn around, and before I know it he's on me. I fought and hollered, but he had me around the neck and he hit me again and again. And the next thing I knew, Papa was in the room, standing over me, hollering, "Who done it?" - Thank you, Mayella. Your witness, Atticus.