Don't Look at the damned guy, and he just fades away, there's some texts inside some flames saturn's really close, pan down the city Hot chick turning isaac rocking shake your head and while he's talking, words appear over his shoulder SPIKE in the ribcage and you're killed grab a girl by the waste Isaac wants to take a nap, Slide down wall then fade to black, wake him up and then it's time to DIIIIIEEEE!!! Falling through space, stab yourself, shoot something out of frame, Dodge then ship shakes. Stare At your hand, Demon gymnist don't get sucked into SPAAAAAAAAAAAACCCEEE Glowy face, Train-sition, Ign Approves. Wrestle a demon shoot a demon choked by a demon shoot a pipe falling through Space will leave you breathless ride a roller coaster walk back shooting bad guys jumping jetpack lets reload hit a rock then spin, Giant flaming text distracts the pilot so they crash Demons Demons Demons Demons, A Transformer For some reason Laser choking grabbing glowing you should probably get a new Shi-ip DEAD SPACE 2