Under The Ocean Under The Sea You won’t be the one there Be one with me I’m trying’ my mountain I’m a Goin’ Down Can’t you see now baby I’m wearing’ a frown Sacrifice Sacrifice Nothing For Me Nothing For Me Nothing for Me Look What You've Done My Hand Is Open You take The Bait It's Too Late Now My Darlin' Running Late Over the ocean Star in the sky You’re in a machine now baby It’s time to fly Sacrifice Sacrifice Nothing For Me Nothing For Me Nothing for Me Look What You've Done Everything was normal Everything was fine It was the phone call That goddamn phone call Do not try to bring her back Her body and brain Pain is increasing at a rapid rate Time Stands Still Manileka When I will Don't You Owe Me Don't Show Me I can't hear you I can't be you Old and Lonely Cold and Empty I can't see you I can't be you Frightened A Star Is Born Lightning Lends it’s Roar Old and Lonely Cold Empty I can't be you I can't be you Frightened A Star Is Born Lightning Let it Roar