VERSE 1 Opening my eyes to see your hair spread on the pillow Something I can't take in all at once. It's like you're always smiling, you seem genuinely happy that you're here right now.
And you stand, like Venus on the shore, in shell, uncovered. and I scratch my head at how I got this right. What's the chain that seems to link my dreams and fantasies with what's in front of me....?
CHORUS 1 But to be sure, I am not counting on it, but I don't rule it out No promises we know might not come true Tomorrow is an empty shell, and the past has come to pass I'm just happy to be in this time with you.
VERSE 2 In my way, I've come to understand that time is a reflection And reflections are just old, recycled light It's easy to confuse the phosphenes, firing out in colours, for falling stars
CHORUS 2 Far beyond both cloud and moon, or sitting in my hand There's nothing else that I know how to do. But here inside my chest, or all of aeons far above I just feel lucky to be in this time with you.
I don't know. A second? Or a billion million years? In the grand scheme of things? Hell, I don't have a clue But I'm certain that this fraction, now, is really all we have. I'm just happy to be in this time with you.