Tick tock goes the clock Time is going so slow I know I'm supposed to be fast asleep a couple hours ago So I, I need to exercise the right I've got to rest these eyes And I, I need to knock on some doors Then I wont have to lie here by myself anymore
Cause time isn't healing I'm getting sick of staring at my ceiling And I, I can't help the way I feel about you
Cause time isn't healing Pretty sick of staring at my ceiling And I, I can't help the way I've fallen for you
I have a run to try and send me to sleep But things aren't all that they seem. The only time I seem to spend with you Is all in my dreams
So I, I need to let her go would it have worked I guess I'll never know And I, I need to hit the road And find me a girl of my own
Cause time isn't healing I'm getting sick of staring at my ceiling And I, I cant help the way I feel about you
Cause time isn't healing Pretty sick of staring at my ceiling And I, I can't help the way I feel about you
And I, I can't help the way I feel about you And I, I can't help the way I've fallen for you.