Hanging out in the garage Turning up the microphone until it squeals The bass man on the satellite Talking to who knows who You're trying to tell the drummer how you feel It's all about the song, keeping it simple Gotta have passion, gotta have soul
Tell me why Sometimes it makes you crazy You could almost die No one would know Not even your old lady
Living hard and moving fast You are a dying breed Ain't no way to know where you're going Fly out to the edge of the earth And look down on the curve And you know that you're still afraid of falling You need hope when it's hard to come by And it takes courage to dust off your dreams
Tell me why Sometimes it makes you crazy You could almost die No one would know Not even your old lady
From the time you leave your mother's womb And cry out to the world Your place of refuge no longer exists Branded by the stars And captured by the moon Do you think you could even make a wish
Tell me why It all just makes you crazy You could almost die No one would know Not even your old lady
Tell me why Sometimes you just get crazy You could almost die No one would know Not even your old lady.