Wednesday is a mixture of many things, mainly because she's at a place now where, she realizes that love is a bit complicated and... it's not just about a fantasy that you have of somebody. And so Wednesday is kind of involved and complicated because it's not a cut and dry sort of idea. It's not, 'I don't like this person.' It's not that simple. I think you might be really um, very taken with somebody and they might be very much in your life, but there are things that they do that are quite disrespectful or cross a line in a way that is um... very passive-aggressive, so you can't really talk about it. Manipulation makes her cry, especially when it's with people that you supposedly are close with. You see, covert activity you would think happens with the outside forces, not the inner circle, and Wednesday's very messy. It seems like a happy little song, but it's um... it's, as I said before, things aren't cut and dry.