Bwgs can b. direct, translation loans & semantic Bwgs. TrLoan - a W/expression formed from material already existing in the lang acc 2 patterns taken from another lang, by means of literal, morpheme 4 morph / W 4 W transl (Worldoutlook - Weltantschaung, Wall Newspaper - Стенгазета, PaleFace, PipeOfPeace, Oldbeliever). Semantic Bng - expansion of the semantic str-re of a W under the influence of the correlated foreign one (pioneer - explorer+member of young pioneer org, standart - +Mg daily expected amount of work). Sometimes an unfamiliar borr-d W os wrongly assoc-ed with the NatW resembling it inly in sound. The change of a borr-d W on the basis of false analogy with some well-known W or phrase is called folk et (asparagus (Lat) - sparrow grass (Eng), cotelette (Fr) - cutlet(Eng)).