When I get all grown I want to find a little space, Somewhere that I can be myself somewhere I feel safe and settle down With a girl who shares my name.
We'll store up in the autumn months and party in the spring, We'll lay away those summer days on white sand by the sea, We'll fall asleep when the snow begins to come down.
Then the day will come when her stomach starts to grow, We'll freak about the million things we don't already know, We'll give them names after my favourite hockey players if it's ok.
Their cribs will fill our morning but by noon they'll be in school, Their teenage years will come and go and by the rising of the moon they'll settle down, With someone else who shares their name now.
And when our shoulders like old wooden fences lean towards the ground, The grandkids grow like rocket ships shooting to the clouds, Her hair is grey but her blue eyes never shone so proud.
When the Lord comes calling and we have to say goodbye, I'll rest her in the ground if I'm the one whose left behind, Whisper goodnight and wait patiently for my white light to come.