Langt bak korstoget sitzen fire troll undt gnagen på oppspiste beinrester. Sie hatte forfulgt ansamlingen mit religiøse undermålere som tror de skal få se guds store vilje, de tror guds plan involverer dem de skal til himmelen og der skal de få belønning som om de var små
Karve gehen undt denken an de hjemlige trakter Wenn prestefolket finner gralen kommer er sich hjem undt nåde den som sakker. Vold blir hans makker. Karve vil hjem til egen seng.
Men først må de følge etter toget, toget vil ta dem til jesu gral Si kann nicht avsløren sich heilt ennå siden si hat keine anung was ist das gral.
Sie brauchen kristne zu fortellen was ist das gral und wo finden wir es. Wo finden wir es?
Jegermeister hat keine tålmodighet igjen, er ist snart på vei zu utsletta baktroppen.
Framifrå korstoget kommer oppspilte gledesrop, de har funnet gralen!
TRollene glise, endelig skal de få spise. Korstoget har tjent sin hensikt nå ja, Ha! Alle atyrte fram mot korstoget, nå skal de få det! Prestene løper mot fjelltopper sprer seg ut som lopper!
Gjennom korstoget farer fire troll mens de gnagen på levende beinrester Sie wollen haben gralen, ridder ut av salen, kor e den gralen! Undermålere, nå skal de få se Trollenes vilje! Karves plan involverer dem, han banker dem hjem, gi meg gralen nå! Ellers skal du få!!!
Gi meg gralen prestejævel!!! *** (English translation)
Far behind the crusade the four Trolls are sitting Gnawing on pre-eaten bones. They have been pursuing the collection of religious fools who think they will witness Gods grand will. They believe that they are involved in Gods plan and that they will all go to heaven and recieve rewards like when they were kids
Karve walks and thinks about home. When the priest-folks find their Grail he can go home. And no mercy for the once that slow them down. Violence becomes his close friend. Karve wants to return home to his own bed.
But first they need to follow the crusade, The crusade will bring them to Jesus' Grail. The Trolls can't reveal themselves just yet, Because they have no idea what the holy Grail looks is.
They need Christians to tell them about the holy Grail and where to find it. "Where can we find it?!"
JegerMeister has no patience left he's soon on his way to annihilate the end-troops.
From the front of the crusade they hear joyfull cheering. They have found the Grail!
The Trolls smile, they can finally eat. The crusade has served its purpose. Everyone runs towards the crusade, Now they will get what they deserve. The priests runs for the hills Scattering like flees
The four Trolls run through the crusade while they feed on living flesh. They want the grail, templar out of the saddle Where is the Grail?! Fools, now you will feel the wrath of the Trolls! Karves plan involves them all, he beats them senseless. "Give me the Grail now! Or you will pay!"