if it means taking rad photos that your friends are gonna condescendingly call “so tumblr”, it’s about doing that. if it’s about singing at the top of your lungs when you’re tone deaf, it’s about doing that. if it’s about showing off your ass because you know it’s cute, even though you might get called a slut, it’s doing that. if it’s wearing something that you probably can’t pull off like woman’s platform converse shoes when you’re a 19 year old man, it’s about doing that. whatever it is, i urge you to do it. don’t let people stifle you because you’re doing the shit that they have always been too scared to do. love your body, let your mind wander and let yourself be the person that you’ve secretly always wanted to be. LIFE ISN’T ABOUT FINDING YOURSELF, IT’S ABOUT CREATING YOURSELF ______________________________ но это касается не только меня,если ты делаешь крутые фотографии,которые твои друзья снисходительно назовут 'так по тамблеровски",то это того стоит. и если ты поешь во весь голос,не имея музыкального слуха,то продолжай это делать