“This is a video about platform shoes, among other things as well, but mostly about platform shoes. For as long as I’ve been creative, I’ve been fearful… Fearful of rejection, fearful of failure, fearful of who does this kid think he is. But a year ago, I signed my record deal and I thought I was going to wake up one morning and all of a sudden be the dopiest person on the planet with sick style and incredible music. I realized soon after that, that it wasn’t going to be that easy. I realized that the art I appreciate and the people that I appreciate are not the average person that walks down the street. You could take away their money and take away their fame and they would cut up a garbage bag and be wearing it like it just came off the runway in Paris. They’d still be doing that thing that is just left of center that you either love or you hate but to be frank, they don’t give a fuck what you think. Art is risk. Upon realizing this, it’s been an interesting journey. I’m on the path to being a person that I’m equally terrified by and obsessed with… my true self. I realized that if I wanted to make cool shit, I had to make cool shit. If that cool shit was letting myself scream into a microphone in a room full of people looking like a complete idiot because I know that it’s going to sound amazing on the final track. It’s about doing that. But this doesn’t only apply to me. If it means taking rad photos that your friends are condescendingly call so tumblr. It’s about doing that. If it’s about singing at the top of your lungs when you’re tone deaf. It’s about doing that. If it’s about showing off your ass because you know it’s cute, even though you might get called a slut. It’s doing that. If it’s wearing something that you probably can’t pull off, like women’s platform Converse shoes, when you’re a nineteen year old man. It’s about doing that. Whatever it is, I urge you to do it. Don’t let people stifle you because you’re doing the shit but they have always been too scared to do. Love your body, let your mind wonder, and let yourself be the person that you secretly always wanted to be. Life isn’t about finding yourself, it’s about creating yourself”
— And people question why Troye Sivan is my inspiration in life.