Buddy Holly ٠ 1958 ٠ Buddy Holly, Norman Petty ٠ feat. Ray Ellis Orchestra ٠ AGP
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< Tape preparing >
Okay... < cough > (Quiet, boys! Pitch, Ernie...)
< Original track, violin accompaniment >
Just you know-u why, why you-u a-and I Will by and ba-aa-aay know tru-u-ue love ways. Someta-aimes we'll sigh, sometimes we'e'll cry, And we'll know why just you and I Know tru-u-ue love ways.
< Sax interludes by Abraham "Boomie" Richman >
Throughout the days our true lo'ove wa'ays Will bring us joys to share with those who really care. Sometimes we'e'll sigh, sometimes we'e'll cry, And we'll know why just you and I Know tru-u-ue love ways.
< Orchestra interlude featuring sax >
Throughout the days our true lo'ove ways Will bring us joys to share with those who really care. Sometimes we'e'll sigh, so'metimes we'e'll cry, And we'll know why just you and I Know true love ways.