Fa wid be a fisherman’s wife Tae run wi a creel and a scrubber and a knife, A raivelled bed, and a dee’d-oot fire, And awa tae the mussels in the mornin? Chorus: Here we come scoorin in Three reefs tae the foresail in There’s nae a dry stich tae pit on wir backs But still we’re aa teetotallers Fa’ll gie’s a hand tae run a ripper-lead, Or fish for codlin in the Bay o Peterheid, Or maybe tae the Lummies, the Clock or Satis Heid Fin we sail tae the sma lines in the mornin? It’s doon the Gaidle Braes in the middle o the nicht Wi an auld syrup tin and a cannle for a licht Tae gether in the pullers, every een that is in sicht Tae get the linie baitit for the mornin It’s easy for the cobbler sittin in his neuk Wi a big copper kettle hingin frae a crook We’re in the boo and we canna get a heuk And it’s gey sair work in the mornin It’s nae the kind o work a saft quine’ll thole Wi her fingirs reid-raa wi scrubbin oot a yawl A little-een on her hip and awa tae cairry coal She’ll be caaed fair deen in the mornin Puir auld faither’s in the middle o the flair Pittin heuks tae tippins and they’re hingin frae his chair They’re made o horse’s hair, and that’s the best o gear Fin ye gyang tae the fishin in the mornin But I widna change for the grandest kind o gear Tho ye’ll never ken the minute that your hert’ll lowp wi fear Awa tae the sea, he’s your bonnie dear – You’ll be a widow wi his bairnies in the mornin