In the not-too-distant future, on a sunny Summer day, The fat and stupid crazy people in the USA, said, "This Global Warming really sucks, this planet in the pits. The World's really gettin' screwed, let's blow it all to bits!"
So one day at the White House, while the president was stoned, he thought it would be awesome if the Russians all got owned!
When the Russians saw the rockets, they knew just what they would do, "If you shoot us with your rockets, we will shoot some back at you!"
It's World War 3! The world's about to end! There's more fire and destruction than the mind can comprehend! It's World War 3! I think we can conclude We really had it coming, now I guess we all get screwed!
Before we all could realize this was a bad idea, The next to join the nuclear brawl of course was North Korea.
Kim Jong il was doing well, so not to be outdone, it wasn't long at all 'till China came to join the fun!
Iran was bombing Israel And Spain invaded France, with the end so very nearly they could afford to take a chance.
Millions were dying as the flames consumed the land. The only one who didn't join the fight was Switzerland.
It's World War 3! The world's about to end! There's more fire and destruction than the mind can comprehend! It's World War 3! I think we can conclude We really had it coming, now I guess we all get screwed!
It's World War 3! I guess it is our fate. We could have ried to save ourselves, but now it's just too late! It's World War 3! The Earth begun to melt! The Solar System's gonna get another Asteroid belt!