1. Red gray again You stir me up I keep the flame Staying the same You've got it
You shut familiar door And I'm cold in the rain Right I'm Red gray Again
------------ Ch: One day I will come To excite your Twisted memories Best you ever had
One day I will come To remind my Twisted melody Best I ever heard
---------- 2. This Time I don't lie And tears I cry Make me come alive Makes me coming wild You've got it
I shut familiar door And life is going on Changing Nothing At all ----------------- Ch: One day you will come To excite my Twisted memories Best I ever had
One day you will come To remind your Twisted melody Best you ever heard
One day we will come To excite our Twisted memories Best we ever had
One day we will come To remind our Twisted melody Best we ever heard
--------------------------------- Dec 2014 Kursk Russia