Tanz in die Dammerung, часть 2 (разрезано, битрейт 192)
Morituri te salutant! | Sacrifice! Crucify! How can you deny Zebaoth? Nephilim! Arch villian! (Shoot! Kill him!) Angst, Wahnsinn sind sein Reich... Panem et circensis... | Deus, salva nos, salva nos! Why oh why?
To die when the morning falls Die when your name is called Die when the second tower falls But where are we tonight?
Die when the morning cries Death has prepared our lullabies Cry for your life - one last good-bye Prepare your selves to die...
Do you know my name? Rex tremendae! Do you know my name? Rex tremendae! No one knows my name... Majestatis | I Am that I Am!
Stop Dying! | Up! Wake up! | Hallowed be thy name! Stop Dying! | Must be born again... Death is not in vain... | Life you shall regain... We're the children... | Death is not in vain... Life you shall regain... | We're the children... | Hallowed be thy name!