Silent Hill Labirint. Strange room with Angela's "papa" monster Angela & James _____________________
A: — No daddy! Please! Don't!
*James killing a monster* J: — Are you okay?
A: — (Beating for finishing off a monster) Fuck! Fuck! J: — Angela! Relax!
A: — Don't order me around! J: — I'm not trying to order you.
A: — So what do you want then? Oh I see.. You're trying to be nice to me, right? I know what you're up to. It's always the same. You're only after one thing. J: — No, that's not true at all.
A: — You don't have to lie. Go ahead and say it. Or you could just force me. Beat me up like he always did. J: — Angela...
A: — Don't touch me!! You make me sick!... You said your wife Mary was dead, right? J: — Yes, she was ill...
A: — Liar! I know about you! You didn't want her around anymore?! You probably found someone else! Huh! J: — That's ridiculous... I never...