you think I stole that, I did not / I’m not the man you thought you’d caught. / I just came here to browse and shop / not to steal your chips and pop. / Now there’s no reason to push and shove me / I didn’t take your stuff. / There’s no reason to throw me in a cell / at least I know what I can do well... / I can’t do anything / I can’t do anything. / I’m in a bus, I’m in a really tiny bus / Fuck you. They put me in the short bus / I’m in a bus, I’m in a really tiny bus / Fuck you. They put me n the short bus / And now they’re watching me / and they’re looking at me / and laughing (I can tell) / I don’t know what to do, but at least I know what I can do well / I can’t do anything. / I can’t do anything. / I’m in a bus, / I’m in a really tiny bus / Fuck you. They put me in the short bus. / I’m in a bus, I’m in a really tiny bus / Fuck you. They put me on the short bus. / Always, everyone acting the same / today I think I will win this war. / Always, everyone acting the same / today I think I will win this war. / All way home.