Let's stop the time so it is never Monday' He said and pulled the battery off the clock Make it a never-ever-ever-never-ending weekend So... They switch off the alarms And they eat as much carbs As they covet. Remaining innocent and free, So inappropriately happy.
Chorus: It was one of those days When the weather's so good So you think you cou live forever At this beautiful stage You don't remember your age, And all the good is due to happen
So they laughed and they played And smelled cookies all day In the air of the Cocoa town And they sang lullabies From sunset till sunrise For all the larks and all the owls.
They entertained the sky so it stopped crying The Sun was smiling at them with its all 32 rays. Make it a never-ever-ever-fading comfort And the serious people going to work Jealously looked at them and called it a quirk. They were so genuine, so free So inappropriately happy.