Tired of hearing someone to say, We're all fucked and we're just sitting and waiting, to wither and die Nothing ever changes so why even try? life boiled down to an end result, and all the moments before just acruel joke, the world likes to play on you, you're not in control, there nothing you can do. but what a boring life, hating every day, what a sinple mind with nothing to say, I did not know how to word it, back when we wrote "Appleseeds", how to describe the only thing we need. "A Return to Hope." A return to hope. and return to life, a return to place and state of mind, where instead of tearing down, we build back up, our community, outlook, and what surronds us. To embrace life, and let love in, sling shot and stone, this is where it beings, don't let the world, swallow you whole, there is nothing strong about being callous and cold, because you will develop a dependency, that feeds on apathy. and you will travel this world endlessly, forever feeling unredeemed, but know: Love resolves, and kindness heals, compassion grows, but hatred is filling us, with fear. Love shows.