We have a head, we have a heart, we have a mind, we have a voice. But sometimes, it?s hard to tell those things apart. This is a story of I guy I once knew, names aren?t important, but you might know him too. He acts of passion, and not out of fear, always willing to let his heart steer him. Cause sometimes the easiest choice to make, is the one that?s the biggest mistake, sometimes it?s easy to shut your mouth, when you know how it?s gonna turn out. But he didn?t live by those rules, in hise head there was nothing to choose, all the muscles in the world couldn?t stop him from voicing what he felt and thought. There was no decision to make, there was only one path to take, and it meant he had to be strong, in order to tell the world what he thought was wrong. But some people knew they had big fists, and they just couldn?t tolerate this, they just couldn?t let it go, they felt they had something to show. To them his life was in debt, so they gave him the ultimate threat, and on the worst, the worst of all days, they pulled him aside to say. ?I know some people, you don?t wanna fuck with, I have some friends that I don?t wanna see. You made your choice, you made your bed, lie in it kid, or in a moment, I?ll see you dead. Take what you want, but take my advice, you leave this town, you don?t think twice?. He sat for a second, for him it felt so long, and he made a decision, it came from his heart. ?I?ll tell you now, I?m staying right here, I?ll tell the world, I?m standing strong. Now you know some people that I am gonna fuck with, and you have some friends that I am gonna see. You can break my bones, and break my body and stop my heart, but you can never break my thought. So do what you want, fuck your advice, I?ll live in this town, for my whole life?. This song?s for us, for the sincere, for those who step up to face a fear.