there would come a time in your life when you will ask your self a series of questions am i happy with who i am? am i happy with the people around me? am i happy with what im doin? am i happy with the way my life is goin? do i have a life? or am i just livin? do not let these questions restrain or trouble you just point yourself in a direction of ur dreams find your strenth in the sound and make your transition / MAKE YOUR TRANSITION do i spent too much time thinkin and not enough doing? can i try my hardest to get any of my dreams? can i purposely let others discourage me when i knew i could? will i die never knowing what i could have been or could have done? do not let these these doubts restrain or trouble you just poin yourself in a direction of ur dreams find your strenth in the sound and make your transition / MAKE YOUR TRANSITION there will be people who would say - "you can't" but you will / YOU WILL! there will be people who would say - "you dont mix this with that" and you will say - watch me / WATCH ME there will be people who would say - "...that's too risky" and you will take that chance and have no fear / NO FEAR you wont let these question restrain or trouble you you will point yourself in a direction of your dreams you will find the strenth from the sound and make your transition / MAKE YOUR TRANSITION