All have come, heeding the call. Gathering secretly while kingdoms fall. Drawing new borders by mountains as tall as our gods had once created them in mighty halls.
None shall ever take our faith away.
[Refrain] We are the other ones, unique and united. We are the other ones, those who will succeed. We are the other ones, strong willed and delighted. Once more we returned to be the other ones.
We leave for a place we'd once called our own. Until this, our fortress away had been blown. By forces that banished us to the unknown. Still we are the strange outsiders. But we're not alone.
Roaring thunder, wind and rain, whirlwinds are at our side, there to remain. None shall ever banish us again.
[Refrain] We are the other ones, unique and united. We are the other ones, those who will succeed. We are the other ones, strong willed and delighted. Once more we returned to be the other ones.