You gotta say we kiss you one another Imagine promise we wont see each other You not the cant girl is this a baem So you promise that you stay way But the you is cause in mane Girl in my an on your Solder raining fire work You main in promice nice for Will be together in the ain So i tell we me again Qo mexmik dzayn@ misht Akanjise shshnjum Te qnac te artun Qo masinem mtacum Qo mexmik dzayn@ misht Akanjise shshnjum Te qnac te artun Qo masinem erazum So i tell we me agayn Erp du im grumes linum Kyanqs eraze inc tvum Es gitem duel inc nman Indzes pnrtum u karotum Shat djvare sirel hervic Aprel heru siro srtic Shat djvare sirel hervic Aprel heru siro srtic Qo mexmik dzayn@ misht Akanjise shshnjum Te qnac te artun Qo masinem mtacum Qo mexmik dzayn@ misht Akanjise shshnjum Te qnac te artun Qo masinem erazum Cause this with a traier