he says farewell and this is the melody of despondency
In the everlasting misery the portrait of the desperation has fused in the fire of the self inspection I sleep in the limit of the absolute thing, lethargic
An inert moment Paralysed in the precipice Abyssed and laconic
spectres of the misery expectant in the night of the times penetrate in the most eternal of the human thing
I feel repugnance
Not even an observation of clarity has out unharmed of this putrid consternation
I look to the winter and I see the only abyss and recognize my dreams, bitter paths of death, lost now in the breaker indifference of life
We look at the land
But only they are looked, deserted in the crepuscular hour
Do not matter
The sleepy nature dies hung discreet in the intimacy of the time Only during an instant I will embrace eagerly her destiny Obscure whim of the fortune
I recognize the cold and the uncertain nature of the firmament the horizon had craved suffering in my hands and I feel the terrible weight of the anguish in each of these hills i feel sell, abandoned in my hands I see to be dying the eternal fountain of hope and the bitter torrent of the thought lost in the black abyss
Patience The life resounds sadly in the chance moor of the remorses and her aspect is that of all the wasted dialogues in the holes of the lost ages
Immersed in the sea of the confused circumstances I feel the fret of the stiff fingers of the hypocrisy there has unleashed the impure scorn of the damned world on the human weakness
I watch the hope but under the enormous weight of the fatality the disenchantment emerges I have the sensation of having lost something when nothing should have that to there lose The fallacious feeling of farewell get tragic dyes in this saddened alcove unfathomable denseness cold temple of the old times disappear the end of all meaning inside me the ocean witness of silence vanity in verse
I am not worth anything I am lost in the imperishable black abyss of the hopelessness All my dreams were false in the abyss is based the rottenness and the everlasting misery
<<The last sigh in the forest of the oblivion breaks the immortal silence>>
-I have lost in this damned black abyss. I have consumed all my existence in vain, the revenge of the old spirit will never arrive and this dawn will leave only rottenness in our imperishable affliction.
- Remember it my son, it’s important …
<<The way continues pleasantly, The wind still banging the door and the silence is listened Nobody seems to matter…>>
Concept, annotations and lyric context by J.L Montáns