Hafs létum vér hesta hlýr stinn á brim renna, meðan á bjartar brynjur blóði dreif um síður; ylgr gein, arnar, mönnum, eyddist gráðr, of svíra, harðmeldr gátum heiðan hveðnu, blóði roðna. Vestr fór ek of ver, en ek Viðris ber munstrandar mar, Svá 's mitt of far; drók eik á flot við ísabrot, hlóðk mærðar hlut míns knarrar skut.\" Heilir hildar til, heilir hildi frá, Koma þeir heilir hvaðan
We let the strong cheek of the horses of the sea run to the waves, the sides of our bright mail splattered with blood. The she-wolf feasted, the hunger of the eagles was sated on the blood from men’s reddened necks, while we seized the hard meal of the Fish’s land. By sun and moon I journeyed west, My sea-borne tune From Odin's breast My sing-ship packed With poet's art: It's word-keel cracked The frozen heart. safe into battle, safe out of battle, and safe return from the strife.