(1) I'm Iror Pachmelnik Zakuskov And i'm an engineer! Just let me take my breakfast first, cornflakes, vodka and beer! Fnd then I'll show you all of mine constructions everywere i can expain the world for you, all that i need is chair. I build many buildings, well some of tham haz failed i had to leve my country, so trough the sea i saled!
(chorus) Trust me! I'm an engineer! I think we'll put this thing right here Trust me! I'm an engineer! What the fuck did just happend here? Trust me! I'm an engineer! With epic skill and epic gear Trust me! I'm an engineer! Oh, shit, I think i'm outta here.
(2) I build a lot of bridges, some of them even dance my bridges are very secure! Intrudens have no chanse! You want to drive a broken car I can help you in this! No wheel, no tire! No problem! Those parts i newer mees! I drive my tractor like a boss see what i jump just did ?! You say this is impossible? Just like i give a shit!
(3) I am an engineer and i having good time now physical calculate? what does it mean i don't know You know, learning by doing? Well, I do and you learn let me make my work here first and then there is you turn I feel really well i get paid more then you cuz i am endineer and who are you? repair creeeeew!
(4) my good diplome give me jobs although i did'nt study I simply got this from my friend as a Burthday gift, from buddy! Sinse then i travel everywere and sometimes build a road you say it's bad? But a'm a Pro! I piss in expert mode! My bicicle is wearing shoes showel bazooka is in use oven in my car melting ore i have an airbag in tractor i once tried to cath the sun and durty break to wash noow i say: my work here is done was hard day, oh my gosh