a children gone just feel what pleasure is the last thing they want is to see where heaven is the first thing they're taught is perceived with negatives the long stares that they did live off intelligence hope like Obama in the city at never Will I do something that will be remember forever? the news isquiet clever confuse by the views of the world got you thinkin’ that the boot is that measure stick that just think when you just gotnothing ask Senegal just to have water is something
no matter the hardship know you incredible cause life is too short to not be incredible and even know that gas price is incredible life is too short not be incredible she is incredible he is incredible we are all incredible go ahead let it go
launch to the heavens shout it out loud hands in the air high five god(Repeat x4)
i love speakers and mics onstage with the lights and the mix of the trumps with sound I do ain’t it right? Ain’t about thing but the roots the arts For me it all piece together when filthy things fall apart flow for the heat generating the beat love the sound have scratch coming from to-to- techniques feel the rhythm groove is power of music club the move guitar perfectly tuned and acoustic
For me the answer is my band it’s incredible the focus that rings, the freedom is incredible now whatever your passion is incredible cause life is too short to not be incredible and even know the gas price is incredible life is too short to not be incredible she is incredible he is incredible we are all incredible go a heaven let it go
launch to the heavens shout it out loud
hands in the air
highfive god (Repeat x4) [출처] [vitium] incredible/가사|작성자 qhals354