何度も君に伝えたいよ 何度も君に届けたい いつの日にかまた会えるように だから「サヨナラ」だけを思い出さないで 笑顔のままで贈るよ「ありがとう」 花束にのせて今は。。。 \"How far away are you drifting?\" \"Don't go...\" Someone said and cried, as if Repeating it.
Search for ideals that won't fade, Those left behind Promises we made that day.
The weakness of pretending, and the strength of showing weakness, Turn your back on them. The road I was supposed to be walking with you, I should have noticed I was wandering down it alone.
How many times have I wanted to tell you, How many times have I wanted to reach you, So that someday we might meet again. So just don't remember our \"Goodbye\". I'll give you with a smile, a \"Thank you\" Placed in a bouquet, today...
There are things I seem to lose sight of Painfully I laughed without showing anyone my tears
We were searching for our place And found you I can't forget that day
The size of the fulfilled dream and the transience of the unfulfilled dream Will certainly remain without fading We'll move towards understanding strength. Someday.
Once more I want to walk with you Once more I want to laugh with you If someday we might meet again. So just with a smile say \"Goodbye\" I'll give you finally, a \"Thank you\" Placed in a bouquet, today...
How many times have I wanted to tell you, How many times have I wanted to reach you, So that someday we might meet again. So just don't remember our \"Goodbye\" I'll give you with a smile, a \"Thank you\" Placed in a bouquet, today