Abandoned barren land of destruction Only children survived there They held each other’s small hands and believe unconditionally In sickness and in health “We share joy and pain”
Divine judgement executed on arrogant foolish sheep which thought they could replace God “The tower of AI” defending the world that is going to end Lifespan of earth is lit on the top of the tower
A messenger from the kingdom provided a prophecy for the village of youth To be the next honorable Messiah, the oracle delivered to the seamstress
Blessing that is protected in the tower is glory which only nine Messiahs can get To the tower, we will come with you To save a life of paradise that is going to die
“To get a blessing on me......” Beat your heart out Get yourself a glory Try as hard as you can...... Take your friend’s hand If you trust each other and help each other, then you fear nothing
The first blessing She reached out to the door, where the lives swirl in the “Blooming Wave” Unexpectedly, a young man put his hand in hers and said “We share joy and pain”
The Messiah was pushed away and the first blessing was stolen Those friends seemed to hate each other The second door A swords-woman threw herself into the “Fire Banquet” with red eyes
Elder sister won the “Grace of the Sunlight” and smiled complacently Younger sister showed her frustration and moved forward to the “Peaceful Darkness”
“I am the one...... I was chosen......” “You can’t keep it all to yourself...... we won’t let you......” Does greed change a person? A monk said a prayer to the “Trembling Ground” A poet hummed the “Rumble of Thunder”
“To get a blessing on me......” Sharpen your mind Grab a glory as fast as you can...... Where have all my friends gone......? Is everyone against me? Get rid of the love that has gone too far
A dancer swayed to the “Rondo of Whirlwind” An elder twin pushed her younger brother away and stepped into the “Garden of Silver Snow” Her tears of joy froze before they left her eyes
The ninth blessing is the sleeping “Fetal Movement of Magma” A younger twin deceived the Messiah and proudly smiled
Betrayed by friends she trusted All the blessings were stolen Holding up a torch with no flame Walking to the altar...…
The true meaning of “blessing” that sealed in the tower ......was an atonement of the Messiah You, the Messiah who got through this ordeal with these sacrifices Now, add a new life of paradise
Even though, Being drowned in rough sea Dancing in the hellfire Helplessly falling on my knees in merciless drought Being trapped in the darkness forever and losing my mind Being swallowed by the earth We won’t let you go by yourself
Even though, Being struck by the judgement lightning Being tore up by the hurricane Being frozen to the bones, to the soul Crawling through the fire We won’t stop believing...... In sickness and in health “We share joy and pain”
Continue this torch relay After all these innocent sacrifices This foolish habit will never be broken...... Holding up the torch that your friends helped you to win
The bells of dawn ring The sound of glory The Messiah who accepted God’s will, silently smiles by herself...... She has just created nine sorrows Now she reaches her hands to the altar