This Sticheron relates the Biblical story of the Publican and the Pharisee and thus is sung during the Morning Office on the Sunday of Publican and the Pharisee, which is the first Sunday of the Tridton, the period of preparation and fasting before Easter. The text and music contrast the differences of the boastful Pharisee who only cared for wealth and material content as opposed to the Publican who offered his humility and penitence as he asked for mercy and forgiveness from God.
Translation: Lord, You have condemned the Pharisee who justified himself by boasting of his works, and You have justified the Publican who humbled himself and with cries of sorrow begged for mercy. For you do not approve of proud-minded thoughts, and you do not disregard penitent hearts. Therefore, we too fall before You in humility, who has suffered for our sake. Grant us forgiveness and great mercy.