Who knew we could dry the river and still flood this city? But we are the victims of temptation, oh God show us pity. It seems we're living to sin and we keep on leading in death. I am guilty as charged; please take me into contempt. I bet we wont regret the damned things we did. But let us all forget how our mothers wished we would've been. Switch the hand and mouth on me so I can eat myself alive. I am not quite there. Show up to show off the turnout, but turn down all ideas mentioned to improve. Don't lose that arrogant confidence. Lets watch these gallows grow, we should've known, but who could know? When we all watch with our mouth sewn shut, I'll tear those threads apart inch by inch. We'll listen as freedom rings. Lord let it ring. I meant every word I said. Even when I was at fault its not my fault. Show up to show off the turnout but turn down all ideas mentioned to improve. Don't lose that arrogant confidence. Switch the hand and mouth on me so I can eat myself alive. All that we're waiting for has been here all along. If I could then I would fly fly away. But I ain't as free as a bird.