he hates the taste of his cum that’s why he wont put his tongue inside my skull when he’s done that’s whenever we’re alone
i suck him and suck him and i even fuck him he wont look me in the eyes until i’m already cumming
he likes his boys like his porn with the volume down while he blogs about himself and tries to sound forlorn
he likes his funerals before he gets out of work he likes to mourn in the morning ‘til he’s home at four
he needs an audience for sure to insure it hurts unless the auditorium is full it just wont work
we could fuck until he was sore but he’d still want more so desensitized from the porn i wanna bleed him raw
he is everything that i want and yet he’s still a whore the attention that i give him isn’t enough anymore
when i get with you i know that i’m too quick to say that im so into the things that you want to do im so desperate to keep you in my bedroom til its too late for you to go home so that youll
sleep with me tonight by my side and i’ll keep you right in my sight i’ll be watching until it’s light out when youre asleep it just might
be the only time in your life that the innocence in your eyes isnt nothing but a lie and your angelic outside
is an accurate cover you said i was like a brother the first time i came over to your house in the summer
and by the end of the night i was anything but your brother i’d be anything you ask for as long as no one came after
i would call you master i would live on your mattress i would kill my whole family if you would kill all the others
that you text on your phone who ask you if you’re alone you tell them you’re not home and then you fuck my skull
i barely feel it at all even the back of my throat you tell me open and show you wanna hear me choke
i’d like to hear that too i’d like like for you to know that if you want me to choke you’d be the way that i chose
you’d be the way that i chose final breath through my nose with you inside of my skull with you inside of my skull