t's what the fans want...it's why they pay for tickets They voice their opinions It doesn't make a difference Even though we're seein red let's get reminiscent Of when the Royal Rumble was dope, then we'll start to diss it I was indifferent bout the Outlaws takin' the straps How bout a Rhodes/Rhodes Mania match The top face and top heel? Yeah, they kicked the show off The Consol Energy Center's roof was blown off Anybody sayin' Bray couldn't work was proven wrong Sister Abigal into the barricade was super strong At most events, that one woulda been the last match I was cool with Bryan losin', thought he'd have the last laugh Match two, Brock decimatin' Show was tough Was I alone in thinkin' 40 chair shots weren't enough? If he's outta commission I won't complain a bit Hallelujah! Cena versus Orton ain't the main event?!
Somebody pinch me, this show is goin' way too smooth Bryan's bout to win it all to end the Pay Per View We'll be "Yess"in' all the way to New Orleans Man they finally got it right, ain't a thing that can spoil it(x2)...yooo/well
It's how I felt then. The atmosphere was magic. John and Randy did their best, Pittsburgh wouldn't have it They wanted divas. They wanted Daniel Bryan. Randall's gettin' angry, look, he's on the verge'a cryin' Wyatt time, keys to the fuckin' city for Bray Orton's undisputed still, yeah it's shitty, but hey There's a smile on these lips It's time for my Rumble fix Punk, Rollins, Citizen Kane, Rusev at number 6 A couple bums, Goldust, Dean then Dolph Kevin Nash made me yawn, Roman Reigns tee'd off 12 eliminations. At 17 it was Sheamus Not the biggest fan but I know that some people been anxious Good to see him, can't say the same bout El Tor-ee-tooh Cesaro should've swung him to the seven-teeth row Still no Beard sightin, we're startin' to wonder why ADR, Dave, Big E was at 29? Sweatin' balls by 30 but fuck it, here we go ..........Mysterio..? Shoved Batista down our throats, even though we resisted Woulda been acceptable if he was a surprise entrant David facin' Randy's the largest of travesties Aside from 12 Rounds and Guardians a'the Galaxy
Somebody pinched me, this show was goin' way too smooth Batista pointed at the sign to end the Pay Per View We'll be "NO"in' all the way to New Orleans(x2) Fucked again, but, Pittsburgh gets an "A" for performance (yooo)//// If you missed it pick a different Rumble match from the torrents