How the moon leer's at thy ignorance Ye who laughest in the face of Death Know ye not its ever-gaping jaws? They always hunger Oh they wake up from their slumber now Heeding the call of the wild From the shadows they come forth Abominations of the north!
Murderers, spawn of might impregnated by many a blackened will The stalking horror For long time gone Hungry now for the kill Holy guardians of the secrets nocturne For which many a man have burned And so the nightwinds cry out their dreaded warning wail The wolves have returned
Beware! The wolves curse Beware! The dark Fear! The lupus lunae At night, beware!
Dwellers of the threshold Children of the night Predators and punishers, fearless yet feared The stench of putrefaction and of long dead blood follow their steps Ever so near
Beware! The wolves curse Beware! The dark Fear! The lupus lunae Fear! The return
Approach them not with doubt in heart Disturb them not in vain Only the cursed ones The wild at heart may enter their domain A lawless realm where chaos breeds and howls most foul asound So stay away, ye who is of god This is enemy ground
Beware! The wolves curse Beware! The dark Fear! The lupus luna Beware! Watain
Kerberos are We The three-pronged spear Shape-shifters, always hungry Far beyond the grace of God lies the lair Where shadows fall Beware!