JC Brooks & the Uptown Sound - Awake Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials - Kick Me to the Curb Julia Klee - Talk Johnny Fiasco - Conduction (Santiago & Bushido Remix) Iggy Pop & the Stooges - Gimme Danger (remix) Jamie Lono - My My My Lil' Ed and the Blues Imperials - You Burnt Me Longshot - Day by Day Madina Lake - Going Down High Henhouse Prowlers - Simplify Howlin' Wolf - Howlin' for My Darlin' Gods of Fashion - Acrobot JDP - Where the Sidewalk Ends Kidz in the Hall - Break It Down Kid Cudi - Day 'N' Nite Kidz in the Hall Feat The Kid Daytona - Out to Lunch