The more you please The more my look hardens With more you say You’re increasing the distance between [us]
This time there is no turning-point I can feel it deep inside Oh, how could I’ve been so closed-minded? The exit was already beside…
I can’t even really remember That moment As the scissors cut through your neck Stumbling in the red flood And as I opened my eyes it was all done Your motionless body down there on the floor…
This cold steel here in my hand Covered with your little red juice Should children now still tinker with that little clippers?
Now look at you! Are you happy now? Feeling exhausted and carefree? Could you tell me why? Tell me why this all had to come? Didn’t I pay the attention you needed? So what?! It’s a cure to see you parishing like that
And I fucking hate you I’m breaking all circles now Oh, you worthless whore… Die, die, die! Now spread your legs again, darling, the scissors are definitely your size How easy to cut through… now die, slut! You’ll never hurt me again! No, you’ll never… Never… Never… Hurt anybody again…
But I really really promise you… I’ll keep you in mind.