your smart enough to make your mistakes and act like you want'em walk off the residual pain and forget how you got it nice guys finish last anyway and that's just the problem
if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if you want this, i want it more if you want this, i want it more if you want this, i want it more than you I want it more than you
its fine to say this isn't a game when you've already lost it its pointless to go through it again but perhaps you've forgotten you've gotta know there's nothing to gain so why even bother
if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if you want this, i want it more if you want this, i want it more if you want this, i want it more than you I want it more than you
this isn't a trick so stop over thinking everything just finish your drink and stop over thinking everything
if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if your the nice guy, act like the nice guy if you want this, i want it more if you want this, i want it more if you want this, i want it more than you I want it more than you I want it more than you I want it more than you