If You Were Frightened it's Because it Was Frightening
Apathy is such an evil trait, to sacrifice others for comfort is not an accusation I could take. Do not let the plight of others be so trivial so as to forgo empathy and do nothing. I wonder if Voltaire would have been so quick in making his witty quip if he'd seen the gates of Aushwitz? When your government comes to burn the books, will you wish you'd read them first? Brace for a lifetime of discontent, Orwellian nightmares that never end. You will mourn the sincerity that greed undid. That moment, you beat us, was exactly where you lost. We took on that hatred, and still came back as one. Don't be alone, don't dare be alone, rise together, be exalted, take comfort in a godless existence. Stay upright stay strong.
A number of us have been getting involved with direct action and anti-fascism recently. We stood in the way of their marches in every city we could get to so they couldn't march, we opposed them when they tried give out leaflets, we gave out leaflets exposing them when they ran for election, we picketed their businesses so the community would know they were nazis, we ran them off the streets and watched as they fought each other and disbanded. The idea that they have a right to their ideas is a fallacy, people would not be so quick to defend their right to free (hate) speech when they realise how vile and dangerous it is. I firmly believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, but you do not have the right to endanger the lives of others by expressing it. Smash fascism, end racism, when previous generations realised the horror of the concentration camps they declared, “Never Again!”. Lets keep it that way. The triumph of evil is made possible by good people doing nothing. The title is in reference to a quote by Vidal Sassoon, a commited anti fascist, in reference to physically confronting neo nazis in London.