The other side of life Regrets follow with the rejections It is not to late, it is just over You know me I pity fools I pity you And I Hate myself for taking you into my life
We have nothing in common We have nothing at all We have nothing in common But all we have is this...
Reversed love in a story of two and I've learned the hard way that people say what I want to hear Black fog of dislike, covers up my mind When thinking of you
A mad life built of bits and pieces Of joy and anger Do not come to me saying you have regrets This you owe me
I've heard it all before and I couldn't care less You are nothing You are the third wheel in my story
You are my worst wake up call My mind got blown away
Reversed love ñ You are my worst wake up call Reversed love
When thinking of you in a story of two I realize what I have done. I've taken myself into your life