Shotgun, zerg and you I gotta zerg and a shotgun And I’m bringin' ‘em home to you. Pickup, protoss and you I gotta pickup and a protoss And I’m bringin' ‘em home to you. Shovel, bucket and you I gotta shovel and a bucket And I’m bringin' ‘em home to you. Instrumental music plays. Boots, socks and you I got boots and socks And I’m bringin' ‘em home to you. Instrumental music plays. Protoss, pickup, shovel, bucket, boots, socks, salsa, chips, whiskey, coke, candy, flowers, headstone, grave I gotta zerg and a shotgun And I’m bringing them home to you. Instrumental music plays. Hey grab your zerg and beat 'em in the head, if you don't like biscuits, feed'em cornbread. Zerg don't waste time half drunk, jump on a man like a dog on a bone. Like a dog on a bone. Gonna be a hood ornament in a second. STEAMROLLER! Kick off your shoes. Stay awhile. Take your coat off. Take your socks off. Hang your hat up. Get you something to eat. Watch a little TV. Gonna be here a while myself. Have a good time. Look both ways. Don't go swimming for an hour...